Earlier this month, a long awaited hearing was held on the proposed regulations that would reduce the availability of valuation discounting when transferring closely held business interests. Close to forty individuals testified at the IRS hearing and all but one individual opposed the proposed regulations. Among several of the reasons why critics opposed the regulations included the following: (a) the potential for a ‘deemed put right’; (b) the creation of a three-year look back period; (c) the forced use of the ‘investment value’ standard for determining fair market value versus the ‘willing buyer – willing seller’ standard; and (d) the use of family attribution rules that could extend the reach of the proposed regulations. An attorney-advisor from the Treasury Office of Tax Legislative Council tried to assuage some of the concerns and even commented that it would be surprising if the regulations were finalized given the new administration.
What does the hearing mean for planning? It means that planning is still very much up in the air. For some, there has been a push to complete transactions by the end of year before the regulations are finalized. For others, any potential transactions are now on hold. Either way, the issue is not dead, but may be tabled until the next election and individuals and their advisors would be wise to monitor the situation to avoid getting caught without having planned. #valuationdiscounts #2704regulations #businessvaluations #estateplanning #businessplanning @bgnthebgn