Out of an abundance of caution and with the utmost respect for our seniors and their caregivers, we have postponed the launch of our upcoming series, Real Talk: The Essentials of Aging with Confidence, until further notice.
We hope to proceed with our April session if it is prudent to do so. Be sure to watch for more information in the coming weeks.
This month we begin the first of a 3-part series in which we tackle topics involving The Essentials of Aging with Confidence. Details below including where to register. We look forward to seeing you there!
March 18th – Part 1: Getting Your Estate in Order
April 22nd – Part 2: Aging in Place or Assisted Living? Which option works for your lifestyle?
May 13th – Part 3: The Essential Guide to Aging and Caregiving.
@bgnthebgn @ofplaw @sandyspringbank #shepherdscenter #agingwithconfidence